My First Novel

I am pleased to announce that my first novel with be published in the autumn of 2025. The working title is ‘The Corpse Door’, and it will be…

Knitted Together

A gangland enforcer, the bishops daughter and a flamboyant assassin, what more could you want from a story?

The Unspeakable Act

The screaming and the explosions… they’re fading, you know? Like they’re shifting to another room in my mind, not as intense any more. They’re still lingering, but they…

2023 and a new start.

It was way back in 2017 that I stopped posting to this website. Work/family commitments and limit income left me with little time to devote to my art,…

Moving on…

Hi folks, sorry to say, that for the foreseeable future I will not be producing anymore sculpture, I would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement…

Amy Johnson – painted by Norman Otty

I received a lovely email from  Norman Otty regarding  the Amy Johnson casting he got a while back – pleased to say that he has sent a photo of his finished…

Update and castings

Hi folks – after a long break I’m starting to gear up to finish the Sherlock project. At the moment its in the rough out stage and is…

Sherlock #2

As you can see the Sherlock sculpt has moved on quite a way since my last blog post – work has started on the upper part of the figure…


Well – I’m back at the bench once again and sculpting , I’m feeling fitter and I have shaken off the majority of the chronic fatigue that has…

Western Girl in Store

Hi folks another quick post, I have more castings of the western girl prepared and they are now available in the store, look for the ‘Buy Stuff’ link…