Moving on…

Hi folks, sorry to say, that for the foreseeable future I will not be producing anymore sculpture, I would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement over the years that this blog has been running. It’s been a tough decision to make, but work/family commitments and limit income leave me with little time to devote to my art. However this blog will still remain live, so if you wish to see the older posts I will leave them intact.

I am moving on now to other art projects that are not so labour intensive and this will be the future content of this site.

Once again, thank you all…


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  1. Obviously, I am sad to see you go a different direction. You are a master of the figures you produced in the past, but I thoroughly understand your situation. Let’s keep in touch. I look forward to seeing what else you do. I wish you the best,

    • spotteddick

      Thank you Steve. I will certainly keep in touch.

  2. Norman Otty

    Hi Richard, sorry to hear the news, you are one hell of a sculptor and I am glad I at least had the two flat figures. Take care I know you will be hugely successful at any art project.

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